Makeup as well as charm blog Monday Poll, Vol. 593

delight in this day, wonderful girl!

Så … Vad är måndagskontrollen?

Utmärkt Fråga! Det är inte, i motsats till sitt namn, en verklig omröstning, som med lite klickiga knappar. Det är bara en lista över fem mycket mer eller mindre slumpmässiga problem som jag har publicerat på den här bloggen varje måndagsmorgon för de senaste quadrillionåren (sedan 2007). I like reading your answers, as well as it assists me get my week off to a great start.

1. What’s something in your wardrobe that makes you feel great when you wear it?

I have this robe I got from Macy’s a while back. It’s by Charter Club, as well as every single time I put it on, I feel like I’m being enveloped in a cocoon of love… It’s so soft as well as so cozy, as well as when I’m in it, there’s always possibility I may never take it off, ever again.

2. Coffee or tea?

To quote Lorelei Gilmore, “Coffee, coffee, coffee!”

(Although tea does have its time as well as place.)

3. What’s scarier: clowns or spiders?

DUDE. I’m not scared of spiders at all. I’m great with spiders, as well as I believe that’s since I checked out Charlotte’s web at a young age, so they never truly freaked me out… however clowns? that’s one more story. I want to understand who it was in my life that deemed it suitable for a little kid to view Poltergeist, since whoever it was, they essentially ruined clowns for me.

I helvete heller

4. Planner or spontaneous?

Naturally spontaneous, however my life is less chaotic as well as much more relaxed when I plan, so these days I try to plan the sh*t out of everything, LOL!

5. What’s something you’re using today, makeup-wise, that you absolutely love?

I’m truly into the MAC like Me Lipsticks best now! I’m using pinkish brown Bated Breath today.

Speaking of spooky things…

Gentle pointer from the person who’s trying to get much better about planning ahead (me!): five weeks till Halloween!

I’m already thrilled about the mini-Snickers I’m going to eat. ?

If you haven’t yet, you may want to work out your costume circumstance meow. I may revisit the Pink Sweeties costume I did last year, however I’m likewise believing about dressing up as a flapper. Or possibly Rosie the Riveter… Really, I just want an reason to do some fun makeup as well as hair.


Din vänliga community charm missbrukare,



P.S. Bekymra tid! Här är de att kopiera / klistra in med dina svar i en kommentar. speak with ya soon!


Cats & Makeup Sweatshirt ??

$ 42

Shoppa nu

1. What’s something in your wardrobe that makes you feel great when you wear it?
2. Coffee or tea?
3. What’s scarier: clowns or spiders?
4. Planner or spontaneous?
5. What’s something you’re using today, makeup-wise, that you absolutely love?

P.p.s. sending you some additional positivity as well as great vibes today as well as all week long. ?

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